Over the last three years, Education Post has built a national network of parents, teachers, students and others all across the country who have created online platforms to share their views on important education issues from school choice and accountability to funding, race and discipline.
Their voices are joyful, urgent, anguished, inspiring and above all, honest.
This June, we hosted our bloggers in our Chicago office for two days of workshops, writing and just hanging out together and getting to know each other. Education Secretary Arne Duncan dropped by to say hi. For the most part, we listened to each other, shared ideas and told stories about teachers, schools, classrooms and kids.
We captured some of their stories on video. You can also find their blogs here. And, you can join our broader network of more than 800 people who have published on our website over the last three years.
We welcome your contributions, as well, because your voice matters.